Should I be concerned about submitting my credit card number through your online store?
Of course security is an issue in online transactions. Most of the alarms raised about it, however, are just hype from people who
don't actually know how it works or journalists with a page to fill. Our store uses a Netscape Secure Commerce Server,
which relies on RSA encryption, a virtually uncrackable algorithm. Rest assured that
your credit card number is safe in our store.
On a general note about security, you should be much more concerned about who you are giving your credit card number to,
rather than who will intercept and decode it. It would be *much* easier for a potential thief to collect a hastily discrded reciept from
a restraunt or gas station garbage can, or to call your home with a fraudulent offer, than to try and intercept and crack an encrypted transmission.
The bottom line is, don't inadvertently or intentionally give your card number to any person or company that you don't trust.
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