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ABL Info: League Rules

Duration of GameTwo 20-minute halvesFour 10-minute quartersTwo 20-minute halves
Length of Halftime15 minutes15 minutes15 minutes
Court Length94' x 50'94' x 50'94' x 50'
Size of Lane12' x 19'12' x 19'12' x 19'
3PT FG Distance19'9"19'9"19'9"
Shot Clock25 seconds25 seconds30 seconds
Shot Clock ResetFG attempt hits rimFG attempt hits rimFG attempt hits rim
Game Clock Stops After Successful FGLast minute of game and last minute of OTLast minute of game and last minute of OTLast minute of each half and OT
Player Foul Limit566
Bonus Free Throw7th foul per half (1-and-1) 10th foul per half (two FTs)7th foul per half (1-and-1) (no two-shot bonus)8th foul per half (two FTs) If limit reached in final minute either half, two FTs on second foul
Timeouts(non-TV) 4 full/2 :20 per game
(TV Game) 2 full/3 :20 per game
2 full/1 :20 each half
(plus media timeout first deadball under 5:00 min. mark of each quarter
1 full/1 :20 each half, 1 added :20 in second half
timeouts carry over to OT
Timeouts in OvertimeAdditional 1 full and unused full and second half :20 TOs carry overAdditional 1 full and all unused second half timeouts carry-overAdditional 1 full and 1 :20 Unused :20 second-half
timeouts carry over-max.2
Timeout Called ByCoach or playerCoach or playerPlayers
Jump BallTeams alternate possession after opening tip-offTeams alternate possession after opening tip-offStart of each half
Closely Guarded For Five SecondsYes, while holding ballYes, while holding ballNo
Number of RefereesThreeThreeThree
Size of BasketballMax. Circumference 29" LegalCircumference 30"Max. Circumference 29"
Legal Jersey Numbers00,0,3-5,10-15,20-25,


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